2012年2月5日 星期日


(隋) 隋煬帝
(唐) 蘇道味



三百內人連袖舞 ,一進天著詞聲。

身閒不睹中興盛, 羞逐鄉人賽紫姑。



《青玉案 元夕》
寶馬雕車香滿路,鳳蕭聲動,壺光轉,一夜魚龍舞 。
眾裏尋他千百度,驀然回首, 那人卻在,燈火闌珊處。

《生查子 元夕 》

袨服華粧著處逢 ,六街燈火鬧兒童 。
長衫我亦何為者 ,也在遊人笑語中 。

折桂令 元宵

齊唱憲王春樂府, 金梁橋外月如霜。

《元 宵》
(明) 唐寅
春到人間人似玉, 燈燒月下月如銀。






蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★




月十五吃元宵,“元宵”作為食品,在我國也由來已久。宋代,民間即流行一種元宵節吃 的新奇食品。這種食品,最早叫“ 浮元子”後稱“元宵” ,生意人還美其名“元寶” 。元宵即"湯圓"以白糖、玫瑰、芝麻、豆沙、黃桂、核桃仁、果仁、棗泥等為餡,用糯米粉包成圓形,可葷可素,風味各異。可湯煮、油炸、蒸食,有團圓美滿之意。陜西的湯圓不是包的,而是在糯米粉中"滾"成的,或煮司或油炸,熱熱火火,團圓圓。
觀 燈









歐陽修(生查子)雲:去年元夜時,花市燈如書;月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 辛棄疾(青玉案)寫道:眾裏尋它千百度,暮然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處。就是描述元宵夜的情境,而傳統戲曲陳三和五娘是在元宵節賞花燈進相遇而一見鍾情,樂昌公文與徐德言在元宵夜破鏡重圓,《春燈謎》中宇文彥和影娘在元宵訂情。所以説元宵節也是中國的“情人節”。










蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★







傳説在很久以前,兇禽猛獸很多,四處傷害人和牲畜,人們就組織起來去打它們, 有一隻神鳥困為迷路而降落人間,卻意外的被不知情的獵人給射死了。天帝知道後十分震怒,立即傳旨,下令讓天兵于正月十五日到人間放火,把人間的人畜財産通通燒死。 天帝的女兒心地善良,不忍心看百姓無辜受難,就冒著生命的危險,偷偷駕著祥雲來到人間,把這個消息告訴了人們。眾人聽説了這個消息,有如頭上響了一個焦雷。嚇得不知如何是好,過了好久,才有個老人家想出個法子,他説:「在正月十四、十五、十六日這三天,每戶人家都在家裏張燈結綵、點響爆竹、 燃放煙火。這樣一來,天帝就會以為人們都被燒死了」。

大家聽了都點頭稱 是,便分頭準備去了。到了正月十五這天晚上,天帝往下一看,發覺人間一片紅光,響聲震天,連續三個夜晚都是如此,以為是大火燃燒的火焰,以中大快。人們就這樣保住了自己的生命及財産。為了紀念這次成功,從此每到正月十五,家家戶戶都懸挂燈籠,放煙火來紀念這個日子。







這一則傳説與吃元宵的習俗有關:相傳漢武帝有個寵名叫東方朔,他善良又風趣。有一天冬天,下了幾天大雪 ,東方朔就到禦花園去給武帝折梅花。剛進園門,就發現有個宮女淚流滿面準備投井。東方朔慌忙上前搭救,並問明她要自殺的原因。原來,這個宮女名叫元宵,家裏還有雙親及一個妹妹。自從她進宮以後,就再也無緣和家人見面。每年到了臘盡春來的時節,就比平常更加的思念家人。覺得不能在雙親跟前盡孝,不如一死了之。東方朔聽了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保證,一定設法讓她和家人團聚。

一天,東方朔出宮在長安街上擺了一個占卜攤。不少人都爭著向他占卜求卦。不料,每個人所佔所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的簽語。一時之間,長安裏起了很大恐慌。人們紛紛求問解災的辦法。東方朔就説:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君會派一位赤衣神女下凡查訪,她就是奉旨燒長安的使者,我把抄錄的偈語給你們,可讓當今天子想想辦法。”説完,便扔下一張紅帖,揚長而去。老百姓拿起紅帖,趕緊送 到皇宮去稟報皇

漢武帝接過來一看,只見上面寫著:“長安在劫,火焚帝闕,十五天火,焰紅宵夜”,他心中大驚,連忙請來了足智多謀的東方朔。東方朔假意的想了一想,就説:“聽説火神君最愛吃湯圓,宮中的元宵不是經常給你做湯圓嗎?十五晚上可讓元宵做好湯圓。萬歲焚香上供,傳令京都家家都做湯圓,一齊敬奉火神君。再傳諭臣民一起在十五晚上挂燈,滿城點鞭炮、放煙火,好像滿城大火,這樣就可以瞞過玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上進城觀燈,雜在人群中消災解難”。武帝聽後,十分高興,就傳旨照東方朔的辦法去做。

到了正月十五日長安城裏張燈結綵,遊人熙來攘往,熱鬧非常。宮女元宵的父母也帶著妹妹進城觀燈。當他們看到寫有“元宵”字樣的大宮燈時,驚喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵聽到喊聲,終於和家裏的親人團聚了。

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★










蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★




蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - Dressed For Success Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

Tried to make it little by little,
tried to make it bit by bit on my own.
Quit the job, the grey believers,
another town where I get close to the bone.

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh oh
whatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!
Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...

I'm gonna get dressed for success
shaping me up for the big time, baby.
Get dressed for success
shaping it up for your love
for your love, yea yea yea

I'm not afraid, a trembling flower,
I'll feed your heart and blow the dust from your eyes
and in the dark things happen faster.
I love the way you sway your hips next to mine.

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh oh
whatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!
Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...

I'm gonna get dressed for success
shaping me up for the big time, baby.
Get dressed for success
shaping it up for your love
for your love, yea yea yea

Look sharp!

Whatcha gonna tell your brother? - oh oh oh
whatcha gonna tell your father? - I don't know!
Whatcha gonna tell your mother? - Let me go...

Get dressed for success

I'm gonna get dressed for success,
hitting a spot for the big time, baby.
Get dressed for success shaping it up for your love
for your love, yeah yeah yeah...

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - Fading Like A Flower Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

In a time where the sun descends alone
I ran a long long way from home
To find a heart that's made of stone

I will try, I just need a little time
To get your face right out of my mind
To see the world through different eyes

Every time I see you oh I try to hide away
But when we meet it seems I can't let go
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower

Tell me why
When I scream there's no reply
When I reach out there's nothing to find
When I sleep I break down and cry
Cry, yeah

Every time I see you oh I try to hide away
But when we meet it seems I can't let go
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower

Fading like a rose
Fading like a rose
Beaten by the storm
Talking to myself
Getting washed by the rain
It's such a cold cold town
Oh, it's a such cold town

Every time I see you oh I try to hide away
But when we meet it seems I can't let go
Every time you leave the room I feel I'm fading like a flower

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - Vulnerable Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

Everywhere I look I see her smile
Her absent-minded eyes
And she has kept me wondering for so long
How this thing could go wrong.

It seems to me that we are both the same
Playing the same game
But as darkness falls this true love falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart.

She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands
She's so vulnerable and I don't understand
I could never hurt the one I love
She's all I've got
But she's so vulnerable
Oh so vulnerable.

Days like these no one should be alone
No heart should hide away
Her touch is gently conquering my mind
There's nothing words can say.

She's coloured all the secrets of my soul
I've whispered all my dreams
But just as nighttime falls this vision falls apart
Into a riddle of her heart, yea.

She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands
She's so vulnerable and I don't understand
I could never hurt someone I love
She's all I've got
But she's so vulnerable
Oh so vulnerable.

Don't hide your eyes...

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - Queen Of Rain Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

In that big big house
there are fifty doors
and one of them leads to your heart.
In the time of spring
I passed your gate
and tried to make a start.
All I knew
was the scent of sea and dew
but I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life,
a time to kill the pain in life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

In that big old house
there are fifty beds
and one of them leads to your soul.
It's a bed of fear,
a bed of threats,
regrets and sheets so cold.
All I knew your eyes so velvet blue,
I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life...

Time went by
as I wrote your name in the sky,
fly fly away,
bye bye.

It's time to place your bets in life,
I've played the loser's game of life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Dr. Feelgood - Roxette (1975) Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

(Wilko Johnson)

I saw you out the other night
I saw somebody hold you tight
Roxette, I wonder who it could be
It was so dark I couldn't see
But I know it wasn't me
When I tell you it ain't right
I know you've got to agree

I followed you into a show
The band was playing rock'n'roll
Roxette, I didn't need to seek you out
The music played so loud
That I could hear you through the crowd
You was telling everyone
About a new guy you'd found

Roxette I gotta go away
And leave you for a couple of days
Roxette, I don't want no more of your tricks
I'm gonna get some concrete mix
And fill your back door up with bricks
And you better be there waiting
When I get my business fixed

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette(羅克賽) - Wish I Could Fly Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

Halfway through the night
I wake up in a dream
Echoes in my head
Make every whisper turn into a scream

I dreamed I could fly
Out in the blue
Over this town
Following you
Over the trees
Subways and cars
I'd try to find out
Who you really are

In the middle of the night
Cool sweatin' in my bed
Got the windows open wide
Thinkin' about all the things you said

I wish I could fly
Out in the blue
Over this town
Following you
I'd fly over rooftops
The great boulevards
To try to find out
Who you really are
Who you really are

I wish I could fly now
Wish I could fly now
Wish I could fly now

I wish I could fly
Around and around
Over this town
The dirt on the ground
I'd follow your course
Of doors left ajar
To try to find out
Who you really are
To try to find out
Who you really are

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - Spending My Time Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

What's the time?
Seems its already morning
I see the sky, its so beautiful and blue
The TV's on
But the only thing showing is a picture of you

Oh, I get up and make myself some coffee
I try to read a bit but the story's too thin
Then I thank the Lord above
That you're not there to see me
In this shape I'm in

Spending my time
Watching the days go by
Feeling so small
I stare at the wall
Hoping that you think of me too
I'm spending my time

I try to call but I don't know what to tell you
I leave a kiss on your answering machine
Oh, help me please
Is there someone who can make me
Wake up from this dream?

Spending my time
Watching the days go by
Feeling so small
I stare at the wall
Hoping that you are missing me too

I'm spending my time
Watching the sun go down
I fall asleep to the sound
Of "tears of a clown"
A prayer gone blind

I'm spending my time

My friends keep telling me:
Hey, life will go on
Time will make sure will get over you
This silly game of love you play you win only to lose

Spending my time
Watching the days go by
Feeling so small
I stare at the wall
Hoping that you are missing me too

I'm spending my time
Watching the sun go down
I fall asleep to the sound
Of "tears of a clown"
A prayer gone blind

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette(羅克賽) - Dangerous Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

You pack your bag.
You take control.
You're moving into my heart
and into my soul.
Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I won't be walking on thin ice
to get through the night.

Hey, where's your work?
What's your game?
I know your business
but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight,
you know she's a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous

You turn around,
so hot and dry.
You're hiding under a halo,
your mouth is alive.
Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I'm not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.

Hey, what's your word?
What's your game?

I know your business
but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight,
you know she's a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous

Hey, what's your word?
What's your game?
I know your business
but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight,
you know she's a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous

She's armed and she's extremely dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette(羅克賽) - You Don't Understand Me Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

I've been up all night, you've been puttin' up a fight.
Seems like nothin' I say gets through.
How did this old bed fit a world between me and you.
We said 'Goodnight' but the silence was so thick
you could cut it with a knife.
We've hit the wall again and there's nothin' I can do.
You're the one, yea, I've put my trust in your hands.
C'mon and look in my eyes, here am, here I am

You don't understand me, my baby.
You don't seem to know that I need you so much.
You don't understand me, my feelings,
the reason I'm breathin', my love.

The mornin' comes and you're reaching out for me
just like everything's the same
and I let myself believe things are gonna change.
When you kiss my mouth and you hold my body close,
do you wonder who's inside?
Maybe there's no way we could feel each other's pain.
Tell me why it gets harder to know where I stand.
I guess loneliness found a new friend, here I am.

You don't understand me
You don't seem to get me, my baby.
You don't really see that I live for your touch.
You don't understand me.
You don't understand me.
Understand me.

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette - She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio) Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

What she got she got to give it to somebody
What she got she got to give it to someone
It's not a case of growin' up or lots of money
It's just the fundamental twist of the sun

What she got she got to let somebody find it('Really?')
What she got is not for her to keep alone('Oh!')
Nobody's got a clue if there is such a reason('Yea?')
Why she wanna play it o-on her own

She's got nothing on but the radio
She's a passion play
And like the break of day
She takes my breath away

What she got she got to give to some contender
What she got is just like gold dust on a shelf
And no one's got a clue what's on her brave agenda
Why she wanna keep it keep it to herself

She's got nothing on but the radio
It's a passion play
And like the break of day
She takes my breath away

Who did the painting on my wall?
Who left a poem down the hall?
Oh I don't understand at all, he-he-hey

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette (羅克賽) - Way Out (出路) Lyrics歌詞 影音 MV

I used to work it out with my head in a cloud
A record machine playin’ out loud
I guess my fate had to turn
Followed a star to a candle that burned

Bag full of crackers an’ chocolate bars
Breakin’ my back, sleepin’ in cars
Ha! I always woke up in doubt
Well, now I know what the fuss is about

Way out, out of the blue
I met a young girl
It could’ve been you
Hey, what was I supposed to do
I didn’t want to fall in love

Try to keep sane an’ savin’ the light
Two things to do when you can’t fight the night
I always lay down in doubt
Well, now I know what the fuss is about

Way out, out of the blue
I met a young girl
It could’ve been you
Hey, what was I supposed to do
I didn’t want to fall in love

Sometimes you don’t decide for yourself
Sometimes you don’t decide for yourself
Sometimes you can’t decide for yourself

Way out, out of the blue
Hey, what was I supposed to do

Way out, out of the blue
I met a young girl
It could’ve been you
Hey, what was I supposed to do
I didn’t want to fall in love

Way out, out of the blue
I met a young girl
It could’ve been you
Hey, what was I supposed to do
I didn’t want to fall in love

I didn’t want to fall in love

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Roxette(羅克賽) - No one Makes it on Her Own (告別孤單) Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV

Have you ever had the feeling
You take it all for granted
You wake up every morning
And expect to rise
Have you ever had a moment
To look into the mirror
To find a person
Who won't open her eyes
Have you ever felt a presence
(or is it all in the past, dear?)
So mesmerizing
It chills you to the bone
Have you ever been in love
And overcome that first fear
Well, then you know
No one makes it on her own

Did you ever catch a sunset
Right across the ocean
The universe revealed
And it didn't make sense at all
When you came into my world
Causing quite a commotion
I could have sworn I've met you
Many times before
Cos there's something in your eyes
That links us together
Something 'bout your face your lips
Your smile looks so alone
Have you ever been in love
And thought it'd last forever
Well, then you know
No one makes it on her own

Hey, there's something in your eyes
That links us together
Something 'bout your face your lips
Your smile looks so alone
Have you ever been in love
And thought it'd last forever
Then you know
No one makes it on her own

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

Usher (亞瑟小子) -Yeah Lyrics 歌詞 影音 MV


[Lil' Jon:]
Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon! Usher, Usher, Usher[whispered]
Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah
Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah

Up in the club with my homies trying to get a little VI
Keep it down on the low key cuz u know how it is (hey)
I saw this shorty she was checkin up on me,
From the game she was spittin in ear you would think that she knew me,
So I decided to chill, conversation got heavy she had me feelin'
like she ready to blow,watch out, O,watch out She was sayin come get me,
So I got up and followed her to the floor she said baby lets go,
Thats when I told her I said......

Yeah, yeah shorty got down low and said come and get me
Yeah, yeah I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah, yeah her and my girl used be the best of homies
Yeah, yeah, next thing I new she was all up on my screamin...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah (x2)

So she's all up in my head now Got my thinking that it might be a good
Idea to take her with me, cuz she ready to leave (to leave)(lets go)
But I gotta keep it real now cuz on a 1 to 10 she's a certified 20
But that just ain't me, hey, 'cuz(I dont know)
If I take that chance just where its gonna lead but what (i do know)
is the way she dance makes shorty alright for me, the way she (get low)
I'm like Yeah just work that out for me she asked for one more dance and
I'm like ya, how the hell am I suppose to leave? and I said

Yeah, yeah shory got down low and said come and get me
Yeah, yeah I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah, yeah her and my girl used be the best of homies
Yeah, yeah, next thing I knew she was all up on my screamin...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah(x2)

[Lil' Jon:]
Heeey! Luda!

Watch out!
My outfit's ridiculous, In the club lookin' so conspicuous.
And Rowl! These women all on the prowl,
If you hold the head steady I'm a milk the cow.
Man! Forget about the game I'm a spit the
Truth, I won't stop till I get em in they birthday suits.
So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with
They clothes, they bend over to the front and touch your toes.
I left the jag and I took the rolls, if they
Aint cutting then I put em on foot patrol.
How you like me now, when my pinky's valued over three hundred thousand,
Lets drank you the one to please, Ludacris fill cups like double d's.
Me and Ush once more and we leaves em dead,
we want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed to say

Yeah, yeah shorty got down low and said come and get me
Yeah, yeah I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah, yeah her and my girl used be the best of homies
Yeah, yeah, next thing I new she was all up on my screamin...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah (x2)

Take that and rewind it back,lil jon got the beat to make your booty go(clap)
Take that and rewind it back,usher got the voice to make your booty go(clap)
Take that and rewind it back, ludacris got the flow to make your booty go(clap)
Take that and rewind it back, lil jon got the beat to make your booty go (clap)

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★