2011年7月4日 星期一


關鍵就在找到你認為真正重要的事情,然後全心全意、專心一致。The key is to pick up things that you think are really important, and then focus on them.

當一個目的是合法且又必須的,那去達成這個目的的手段也要是合法且必須的。When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory.

重要的原則要能夠也必須是有彈性的才正確。Important principles may and must be flexible.

接受這個事實,我們幾乎把任何人都視為志願者。Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.

今天,知識力量。它可以控制通往機會和進步的通道。Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.

要真正了解一個朋友,必須從他失意的時候去觀察。To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune.

真正的友人總是考慮別人的需要而不是提出自己的要求。True friendship foresees the needs of other rather than proclaim it’s own.

獲得一個好朋友的唯一方法就是先要讓自己成為一個很好的朋友。The only way to have a friend is to be one.

友誼不僅是愉快的來源,也是健康的基本要素。Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health.

要做到能被人人認同,除了要經過縝密的思考,還要付出努力和痛下決心才行。It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable.

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力) ★網路行銷找Power,個人品牌的Maker★ Power 0915058626, 0913809587 個人部落格:www.101dlc.com E-mail:powerbenz@gmail.com ★蘆洲帥爸Power、網路部落格行銷教學、DLC鑽石生活世紀★

